MBCNSW Chrome Bumper day at Linnwood House

Like all car clubs, MBCNSW has a lot of interesting cars that rarely get out to club events. The goal of the Chrome Bumper day was to try and entice a few of them out. The thinking was that an informal event that was fairly centrally located may be attractive for somebody who rarely takes out their older car.

The event was held at Linnwood House, a historic house not far from Parramatta. Linnwood house has four days per year where their open days have cars on display. I’ve attended a few times as a spectator, mostly for British car […]

560SEL Odometer repair

Recently the odometer stopped working on my 1987 560SEL, just before the car hit 340,000km. This is a pretty common problem on the W126. I had to repair both my old 300SE and my 560SEC. The issue is the small gears that turn the odometer. They are made of a very soft plastic and after 30+ years, the teeth break off. This repair is pretty straightforward for anybody reasonably handy on these cars.

The first step is to remove the cluster and have a look. You can’t order the gears until you check what you have, as the various combinations […]

MBCNSW June 2024 night drive – Clovelly to Kurnell

The June MBCNSW night drive brought back a route that we last used in October 2021.    It was held one week later than normal since I was overseas last week.   That was probably good from a weather point of view, as it apparently poured all week.   Last night was somewhat better, with only scattered showers.

The more inner city night drives can be a bit tricky as it is hard to keep the group together.    Last time we had cars all over the Sutherland shire – this time we did better with the group mostly together.

We […]