Auto Brunch St Ives August 2024

I used to be a regular attendee at the St Ives Auto Brunch event.   However, I had not been since September of last year.   There are a few reasons for that.  I’ve had quite a lot of work travel in the first half of this year, and due to the torrential rain in Sydney earlier this year, the event has been rained out quite a few times.

Last Sunday, I had a free morning so decided to go along.   I had the 450SLC in the garage, so took it to the event.   I got there quite early, around 7:15AM.   Back in days past, that was the time you needed to arrive to find a place to park.   However, I didn’t bank on that now this is a paid event, and that the organizers have access to the main oval, this is no longer necessary.   In fact, I got there so early, that I ended up parking in the old location near about 20 other cars, since the main oval was not open yet.

Auto Brunch St Ives August 2024

In future, I’ll aim to arrive around 8AM.   The traffic moves pretty well now they are using the main oval.   The main thing to watch is that some drivers are not really thinking when they arrive and park.  Many do not arrange into rows with a wide enough gap to drive between them.  This means you have to be careful not to get parked in.

I took my three kids so I only stayed until about 8am.   There was supposed to be a group from MBCNSW going, but I only met one member who had come separately in his very nice 300CE.

As usual there was a pretty nice selection of cars on display.   This event is always worth it, since its very close to where I live.  It still has by far the best variety of any cars and coffee in Sydney.

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1 Response

  1. September 13, 2024

    […] Auto Brunch St Ives August 2024 […]

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