Auto Brunch St Ives March 2025
Today I went to the Auto Brunch Event in St Ives. It is still by far Sydney’s premier cars and coffee event. There isn’t anywhere else where you can see WO Bentleys lined up next to old Mitsubishi Sigmas. The Variety is immense and there is always something really interesting on display.
I last went in December in my Citroen DS. Today I took my 1981 Mercedes 240D – The first time I’ve taken the car to St Ives. One of the great things about this event is not just the variety, but that the cars change a lot. There are some usual suspects that are there most months, but the event can look radically different month to month. For example, this time, there were very few French cars, and almost no classic Mercedes-Benz, other than a 450SEL and a 300SE W126.
Instead, it would appear that one of the Mopar clubs made a day of it, as there was an impressive collection of Mopar muscle cars on display. It was great to see them all at the event. There were also two WO Bentleys and other British rarities like a Bristol and a Sunbeam Rapier.
While I am interested in the older stuff, the event is probably 50/50 modern enthusiast cars and classics, which is a nice mix. As usual there was a good collection of classic Jaguars on display and I admired a lovely XJ12 I parked close to. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it at the all British Day.
I think this is probably the biggest turn since the new format started, with entry to the main oval and a $5 entrance fee. I much prefer it like that. For some reason there is a contingent that still parks in the spectator area, which seems a shame.
While the morning started out as very foggy, that soon burned off. It turned into a warm and humid day and a great way to spend the morning.