Classic Jalopy Blog

Auto Brunch St Ives June 2022 1

Auto Brunch St Ives June 2022

Due to COVID, bad weather and other commitments, it had been a while since I attend the Auto Brunch event at St. Ives showground.   March 2021 to be exact.   I finally made it back today and as usual it was a great event.   Of all the cars and coffee events in Sydney, I think this is by far the best.   There is always incredible...

250SE refusing to start and the importance of not jumping to conclusions 0

250SE refusing to start and the importance of not jumping to conclusions

The other day I had to move the 250SE out of the way to access the 280SE.   The 280SE was parked in a fairly inaccessible spot until I had sorted out the fuel injection.   With that looking promising on the test gauges, it was time to take it for a proper test drive.   I had not been driving the 250SE of late, as the...

Eastern Suburbs cars and coffee May 2022 0

Eastern Suburbs cars and coffee May 2022

I attended the Eastern Suburbs cars and coffee event for the 2nd time today.   The event has moved to a new location since my last visit.   Instead of being located inside Centennial Park, they now meet near the Sydney Cricket Ground – on Driver avenue near the Horden Pavilion.     While its less picturesque than Centennial Park, it’s probably a better location as there...

MBCNSW May 2022 Night Drive – Palm Beach 1

MBCNSW May 2022 Night Drive – Palm Beach

After a month of relentless rain, we finally had a sunny day for the May 2022 Night Drive.   This drive was a shorter one, The Spit to Palm Beach.   We had previously done a Palm Beach drive in October 2020, so we took a different route.   On the previous drive, we started at Manly and hugged the coast until we reached Palm Beach.   This...

K-Jet fuel pressure test part 4 3

K-Jet fuel pressure test part 4

I’ve been trying to narrow down poor running on my 79 280SE when cold.   Previously, I had two issues I was trying to narrow down, high control pressure when cold, and after a while both system and control pressure dropping and fluctuating.     I had replaced the fuel pump, which made no difference to the fluctuation issue.   I had also sent off my warm...

MBCNSW Cars and Coffee – May 2022 2

MBCNSW Cars and Coffee – May 2022

Last year the MBCNSW was planning a Paul Bracq day.   That event had to be cancelled due to COVID.   I had heard it was supposed to happen this year, so I put the date in my calendar as I was every keen on attending this event.  I am a big fan of the cars of Paul Bracq.  In the end, the event turned into...

Identifying W126 Brake calipers 1

Identifying W126 Brake calipers

I recently attempted to take my 560SEL on a Mercedes Club night drive.   On the way there, I experienced a soft brake pedal and a very hot drivers side rear wheel.    I had an issue with a soft brake pedal on a mountain road back in 2020.   At the time I thought I had solved it as I removed the aftermarket brake dust...

Jensen Club National Rally Display 2022 3

Jensen Club National Rally Display 2022

Today was the public display for the Jensen Club National Rally.    Not being a Jensen owner, I’m obviously not a member of the club, so I attended as a spectator.    The Jensen club is a national club, with sub groups in each state, so the annual national rally is also their opportunity to get together as a club.    This year it...

MBCNSW April 2022 Night Drive – multiple brake problems 7

MBCNSW April 2022 Night Drive – multiple brake problems

Last night was the April 2022 MBCNSW night drive.   Due to the terrible weather we’ve had in Sydney over the last couple of months, it was the first one since January.   The last two were both rained out.   We generally try to go if its raining, but the amount of rain and flooding made it impossible. The route was one I was looking forward...

Microcars at the Powerhouse Museum 0

Microcars at the Powerhouse Museum

Sydney’s powerhouse museum currently has a display of microcars.  I assume its a temporary display, as they microcars are on loan from various owners.   The powerhouse museum is a science and technology museum in Ultimo, an inner city suburb of Sydney.   The name comes from the building – it’s located in an old power station. I’ve always been facinated by Microcars, even though I...

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Summary 9

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Summary

I recently attended the Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 in Glenelg, SA.   Not only did I attend the actual event, but I joined a group of friends in the MBCNSW to create a Classic Mercedes rally within a rally.   We all have young children and its not easy to get a lot of time off work, so our goal was to pack as much...

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 7 White Cliffs to Sydney 3

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 7 White Cliffs to Sydney

We started the day in White Cliffs, after staying at the Underground Motel.  I wasn’t looking forward to the shower in the shared bathroom, but they were actually a lot better than I thought they would be.    Overall, it was a cool experience staying in the Underground Motel – I’m glad we did it. Our drive today was to take us all the...

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 6 Glenelg to White Cliffs 3

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 6 Glenelg to White Cliffs

With the rally now over, it was time to start our drive home to Sydney. Like our journey to Adelaide, we had planned a scenic route back. Our route takes us home via Broken Hill, Wilcannia, Cobar and the Barrier highway. Most of our group had not seen this part out Outback Australia before, so were keen to experience it as part of this...

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 5 Scenic drive to Lady bay 3

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 5 Scenic drive to Lady bay

Today was the second and final day of the actual Rally.   The two official events were a scenic drive down the coast to Lady Bay, and a dinner and farewell event.    Start time for the drive was 10AM, so today was the only chance to a sleep in on our entire trip. The drive was really good.  Not only did we see some...

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 4 4

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Day 4

Day four was a bit of a change of pace for our group.   We didn’t have many KM to cover as were are now part of the rally proper.   The agenda for today was the Show and Shine and then an evening event, held at “The Cube”.   Obviously, our cars were not in any state to display in a show and shine, so we...

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Show and Shine 5

Mercedes Clubs National Rally 2022 – Show and Shine

The National Rally included a Show and Shine in the morning to display the participating cars.   The show and shine was held at Wigley park, a very nice spot near the Marina in Glenelg.   The cars all had to be in place for 10AM as the show was open to the public from 10-12PM. After a wash first thing in the morning, we assembled...

Classic Jalopy