Tagged: 123 ignition

W111 123 ignition – part 2 2

W111 123 ignition – part 2

In the first part of this series, I installed the 123 ignition distributor and got the car running.   This part focuses on test driving the car and fine tuning the install.    I should note that the 123 ignition distributor has nothing to do with the W123 Mercedes.  A couple of people assumed I was fitting a distributor from a W123.    The 123...

W111 123 ignition – part 1 2

W111 123 ignition – part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I posted an update about my W111 running issues.      A reader who is an expert in these cars suggested I fit a 123 ignition distributor.    His feedback was that even if it doesn’t solve my current running problem, it is a very worthwhile upgrade.    My mechanic also thought the issues were probably ignition related.   Based...

Classic Jalopy