Tagged: 1977 450SLC

New Beru HT leads for the 450SLC 0

New Beru HT leads for the 450SLC

The 450SLC had been idling rather roughly and stumbling when taking off from stop.  This got a bit better when I changed the coil, cap and rotor – and at that time I noticed that the leads were not in great shape, especially the one to the coil. There are a lot of leads for sale, many of them inferior quality.   The Beru HT...

Keeping the 450SLC cool in summer with HyChill 0

Keeping the 450SLC cool in summer with HyChill

Lets face it, R134A is rubbish when it comes to cooling older cars.    It is significantly less efficient than R12.  Systems that are not designed for it struggle to keep the car tepid in the Australian summer. Added to that, the air conditioning on the 107 models from Mercedes was never their strong point either, so when you couple a marginal system, that...

New coil, cap and rotor bring the SLC back to life 1

New coil, cap and rotor bring the SLC back to life

As outlined in a previous post, the 450SLC broke down a week and a half ago and the NRMA helped me diagnose it down to a bad coil.   Yesterday, my new coil, cap and rotor arrived so I got down to getting fitting them t the car. A quick test of the new coil had the car roaring back to life, so I...

After 10 years of ownership, the SLC finally leaves me stranded 1

After 10 years of ownership, the SLC finally leaves me stranded

During the 10 years and around 40,000 kms I’ve owned the 450SLC, it’s proven to be extremely reliable.   Sure i’ve had a flat battery once a couple of times, and a fuel pump that would cause the engine to occasionally stall until it was replaced, but it has never left me stranded, until this weekend. About 100 meters from my driveway, the engine...

450SLC gets a new blower 1

450SLC gets a new blower

I’ve had issues with the blower on the 450SLC for a few years now.   I would get all sorts of noise and irregular operation from it.     Unlike in some models, the blower is actually pretty easy to get to in the 450SLC, but the problem was new blowers were very expensive (I was seeing them for over $1,200) and used units...

SLC Heater trims 0

SLC Heater trims

The plastic trims around the heater controls in the SLC have been broken since I got the car.   I noticed when buying another part that new trims were available and they were a reasonable price.   So I purchased them – although it turns out the right hand one was out of stock so I got a refund on it. Still, replacing only...

The SLC blows again! 1

The SLC blows again!

I had been unable to use the blower in the 450SLC for the last couple of weeks as it was making a terrible scraping sound when I would run it. About two years ago I ‘rebuilt’ the blower with a new motor, but with my existing case and fan cages.   A new W107 blower motor from Mercedes is prohibitively expensive, but you can...

450SLC – ready for another year 0

450SLC – ready for another year

The 450SLC spent the last two days at Arthur Rizzo Motors getting ready for the next year on the road.   The car was hesitating a bit, and not idling quite right, but a new set of plugs seems to have fixed that. (#1 was a bit coked up).    The steering was feeling a bit floppy – so a new tie rod end...

Classic Jalopy