Tagged: Becker Europa II

240D radio troubleshooting 1

240D radio troubleshooting

My 1981 Mercedes 240D still has the original Becker Europa 596 Radio.   This is one of the last of the analogue radios before the cars moved to the digital radio with the Becker Grand prix 612.   The main issue with the Becker is that it does not stay in tune.   I’m constantly having to adjust it to stay on an FM station.   In addition,...

W111 poor running issues and becker update 3

W111 poor running issues and becker update

My 250SE has been suffering from poor running issues for almost two years now.   It started not long after I got the car back from being repaired from the impact with the Kangaroo.   Despite a lot of work to try and rectify these issues, they are still plaguing the car. The challenge is that these are intermittent problems, and so hard to diagnose.   I...

Classic Jalopy