Tagged: Euroa

The Long Way Euround – Day 4: Euroa show, great driving roads and MBCV BBQ 4

The Long Way Euround – Day 4: Euroa show, great driving roads and MBCV BBQ

Today was day four of The Long Way Euround, the Classic Mercedes road trip I am doing through NSW and Victoria.  Day four was one of our busiest, and so far probably best days on the trip. Yesterday we had finished in Bendigo. Even though the total amount of driving was less than over days, we had a lot to cover.   We made out...

2024 Australian National Show and Shine, Euroa 2

2024 Australian National Show and Shine, Euroa

Today I attended the Australian National Show and Shine, at Euroa.   This is part of a multi-day Classic Mercedes road trip I am doing with a group of friends.   The Euroa Show and Shine was the anchor event of our trip, which we dubbed the Long Way Euround.  Our trip was really more about the drive than the show, but we were still keen...

Planning a 2024 Classic Mercedes Road trip – The Long way Euround 2

Planning a 2024 Classic Mercedes Road trip – The Long way Euround

Each of the last two years, I have done an extended road trip in Classic Mercedes.   I have found them so enjoyable that it has become an annual event.   There is such a sense of adventure exploring our beautiful country in a classic car.   There is even more of a sense of adventure avoiding motorways and driving exclusively on back roads, through great scenery...

Classic Jalopy