Tagged: MBCNSW

MBCNSW February 2024 Night Drive – Heart Attack Run 0

MBCNSW February 2024 Night Drive – Heart Attack Run

This months night drive fell on a leap day, September 29.   The next time a leap day falls on a Thursday will be 2054, so it was a night not to be missed.   The main part of the drive was to drive the back roads of southwest Sydney, starting with Mulgoa Road. Last year we had a drive that started from Krispy Kreme Penrith. ...

MBCNSW January 2024 Night Drive – Princes Highway 0

MBCNSW January 2024 Night Drive – Princes Highway

We started our 2024 night drive schedule with a drive south.    This month’s drive was held a week earlier due to the holiday long weekend and the absurd double demerits regime in NSW.  In the days before the drive, there had been torrential rain, but luckily the weather fined up on the day and it was just a bit overcast. The recent rain...

MBCNSW December 2023 Night Drive – Galston Gorge 0

MBCNSW December 2023 Night Drive – Galston Gorge

Our final night drive for 2023 was an old favourite.    I ran a poll a few months ago for some of the regulars on the night drives to identify drives that there was interest to revisit.   The drive from Galston Gorge to Cattai Ridge Road, Galston Gorge road and Old Northern Road was one of the most popular.   I really enjoy this drive...

MBCNSW November 2023 Night Drive – Bilpin 1

MBCNSW November 2023 Night Drive – Bilpin

Thursday was the annual MBCNSW Night Drive to Bilpin for Apple pie.    This has turned into an annual event and despite being a very late night is always popular.    It seems amazing that another year has flown by, as it doesn’t seem all that long ago that we did the last Bilpin night drive.   On that drive, I swapped cars with a...

The Concours Run 2023 – Day 3: MBCV Garage Day 3

The Concours Run 2023 – Day 3: MBCV Garage Day

The third day of our classic Mercedes road trip was focused on a MBCV Garage Day.   The subject was electrical troubleshooting. However, before we could have the MBCV Garage day, we had to get there.   We started in Traralgon, and drove to Ferntree Gully (A suburb of Melbourne) to the MBCV club rooms for the garage day.     For the once and only time...

The Concours Run 2023 – Day 2: Great Alpine Road 2

The Concours Run 2023 – Day 2: Great Alpine Road

The second day of our classic Mercedes road trip between Sydney and Melbourne focused mostly on driving the Great Alpine Road (B500).    On Day 1, we started in Mt Victoria and ended up in Tumut. We started early, at 6:30AM to maximise daylight hours.    Our destination was Corryong for a breakfast stop.    This first leg was rather scenic and we stopped...

The Concours Run 2023 – Day 1:  Mt Victoria to Tumut 6

The Concours Run 2023 – Day 1: Mt Victoria to Tumut

Today was the first day of our epic road trip to Melbourne in 9 classic Mercedes Benz.   Our goal was to head down for the annual MBCV concours event and a tech day they were running the day before.  I previously covered the plan for the trip.   Our destination today was Tumut. Before we even started, we lost one of the cars.   One of...

Youngtimer Sacco day 2023 1

Youngtimer Sacco day 2023

Today was the third annual Youngtimer Sacco day.   This is an event run by the Mercedes-Benz club to celebrate the cars of the legendary designer, Bruno Sacco.    As with the last two, the event was held at HARS.   HARS is an aviation museum located at Shellharbour Airport in Albion Park NSW. The event is focused on the cars designed by Bruno Sacco, but...

2023 German Car Show Sydney 3

2023 German Car Show Sydney

Today was the annual Sydney German car show.   Due to work travel and the pandemic, the last one of these I attended was back in 2018.   It seems quite a while ago now.   This is always a really good event and as usual it was very well organized.    The show is held in Gough Whitlam park in Earlwood,  which is good central location. ...

MBCNSW September 2023 Night Drive – Mona Vale Road 0

MBCNSW September 2023 Night Drive – Mona Vale Road

The September 2023 night drive was a bit closer to the city than the last one.    We started at Mt Colah and finished in Brookvale.    Due to some rain earlier in the week, and it being school holidays, we only had three cars on the drive, but that made it very easy to keep the group together. I took my 560SEL, and...

2023 Shannons Eastern Creek Car Show 1

2023 Shannons Eastern Creek Car Show

The Shannons Eastern Creek car show is always one of the biggest events in the calendar for the Sydney car scene.    I’ve been going for years, but this is only my second time displaying a car.   This year I took my 1987 Mercedes 560SEC and brought my three children along with me.  Last year I took my 250SE.   When you display a car,...

MBCNSW July 2023 Night Drive – Picton Road 1

MBCNSW July 2023 Night Drive – Picton Road

Last night was the monthly MBCNSW Night drive.   We didn’t do one in June, primarily because that week coincided with the week most of Sydney seemed to have the flu, so most people cancelled due to illness.      We were back again for July, doing a route from Engadine to Campbelltown via Picton Road. This drive was a bit of a combination of...

MBCNSW Amazing Rally 2023 1

MBCNSW Amazing Rally 2023

Today was my first ever observation rally.   After having gone to car events regularly for well over a decade, I had surprisingly never attended one.  The premise is that you and your navigator follow along a set of directions and get points for correctly deciphering the clues.    Today, the MBCNSW was running one, dubbed The Amazing Rally.    I thought it would be...

MBCNSW June 2023 Cars and Coffee 0

MBCNSW June 2023 Cars and Coffee

This morning I attended the MBCNSW cars and coffee event in Silverwater.   It was held at the Armory café down by the water.    It is quite nice down there, and there is plenty of parking.    The venue the club used last time is probably nicer, but has a severe shortage of parking.  This forced the cars to triple park and making it...

MBCNSW May 2023 Night Drive – Mulgoa Road 0

MBCNSW May 2023 Night Drive – Mulgoa Road

The May night drive was a little bit different.   It turned out to be the farewell drive for one of our night drive regulars who is moving to Queensland.   Based on that, we had a good turn out of people along for the drive.    We also had a few others come along just to the starting point.   That is quite a good option...

National Motoring Heritage Day 2023 0

National Motoring Heritage Day 2023

National Motoring Heritage Day occurs every year on the last Sunday of May.   The goal is to try and encourage as many classic, vintage and veteran cars out as possible and display them at various shows and events.   One of the biggest is held in Berry, where they anticipate around 600 cars each year.   The Mercedes club normally attend this event and this year...

Classic Jalopy