Tagged: MBCNSW

MBCNSW Mid-Week drive up the Putty road 1

MBCNSW Mid-Week drive up the Putty road

The Mercedes Club hold a mid-week drive pretty much every month.   I’ve been a member for more than 10 years but never managed to attend one.   I had a free day today and the drive looked really good.   This months MBCNSW mid-week drive was up to the Hunter valley.   The route was via the Putty road, which I’ve done a few times before.   Mid-week...

MBCNSW Drive to Bilpin 2

MBCNSW Drive to Bilpin

Today I joined an event with the MBCNSW for a drive to Bilpin.   Bilpin is to the West of Sydney and is half way up the Blue Mountains.   It is know for its Apples.   The purpose of the drive was to raise money for one of our club members, Sam.  Sam is the proprietor of the Bilpin Apple Pie Cottage, our destination.   He suffered...

Mercedes Club drive to Peats Ridge 0

Mercedes Club drive to Peats Ridge

The Mercedes Club organized a joint drive with the Rolls Royce Owners club to the Corrugated Cafe in Peats Ridge.   Peats Ridge is about 90km north of Sydney.   This was one of the first drives after the COVOID19 restrictions were eased.   A couple of the members of the club were trying to organize a line up of W126s at the event.   The event seemed...

Flashback:  2012 Sydney German Auto-Fest 1

Flashback: 2012 Sydney German Auto-Fest

They Sydney German Auto-Fest is now a major event in the Sydney car show calendar.   There are hundreds of cars to choose from including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, Audi and some of the smaller brands.   It has even replaced the separate Mercedes-Benz concours event.    However, this show had quite humble beginnings.   I attended the 2012 Sydney German Auto-Fest, back when it was a couple...

Auto Brunch St. Ives February 2020 1

Auto Brunch St. Ives February 2020

I attended the monthly Auto Brunch event in St. Ives Showground today.    This time I took my DS.   It was pretty dusty from all the smoke in Sydney, but still got a lot of attention.     Even though I have been four times,  there can still be a lot of variety and different cars I have not seen before.   This month there was...

MBCNSW Dyno Day 1


The MBCNSW held a tech day at a dyno equipped performance shop today.   I was keen to attend as I wanted to understand how much power my ECE 560SEC is making.   Geting dyno time independently can be expensive, but through the club day it was very affordable.   The tech day was held at SR Performance at Wolli Creek. On the Dyno, the following cars...

2019 ACT German Car Show 2

2019 ACT German Car Show

This weekend I traveled to Canberra for 2019 ACT German Car Show.   I’ve been to this show a few times before (2013, 2015, 2017), but this is the first time I have formally entered a car.    In prior years I have driven down on the day and arrived around 11ish to see the show for an hour or so.   This year I decided...

MBCNSW Topless Drive 2018 0

MBCNSW Topless Drive 2018

The Mercedes-Benz club run an annual drive aimed a convertibles.   It is better for everyone that the topless drive is referring to the cars, not the drivers.    I last attended the drive back in 2014.   I had planned to take the 250SE on this drive.   The forecast was for rain, which makes it hard in a convey as putting the top up on...

2018 Sydney German Auto-Fest 5

2018 Sydney German Auto-Fest

In the space of about ten years, the Sydney German Auto-fest has grown from a couple of cars in a small Canada Bay carpark to one of the biggest car shows on the calendar. I attended that first show, unfortunately I did not take any photos.   What a contrast to the 2018 show.   This was the biggest one yet.   The show has now outgrown...

2018 OzBenz National Meet 0

2018 OzBenz National Meet

The OzBenz forum is one of the online resources I use to maintain my Mercedes-Benz’s.   The forum has evolved over a 15 year period, starting with the Mercedes Veterans mailing list, branching off to the OzVets mailing list.   This became the OzVets forum and then later the OzBenz forum.    I joined very early on and found this a great set of resources to...

2017 Sydney German Car Show 1

2017 Sydney German Car Show

The Sydney German Car Show 2017 was held today and as usual it did not disappoint.    A great selection of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, VW and Audi’s were on display.   The only downside was that aside from the Micro cars, there was no representation from the niche German cars.    There was also only one pre-war car.   This event has really grown...

2016 Sydney German Car Show 1

2016 Sydney German Car Show

This year the NSW Mercedes-Benz Club concours and the German car show were combined into a single event.   Overall this seemed to work reasonably well as they opened up additional paddocks and it meant one of the best turnouts of Benz’s for some years.    For some reason the turnout for the other German makes was rather poor, and perhaps they were assuming...

The great shed tour of 2016 0

The great shed tour of 2016

As you go to car shows and car club events, you realize that there are many more big car collections out there than you would expect.  Not just celebrities like Jay Leno, but people who live in the same city as you who have extensive and interesting car collections.     Friends of mine think I am nuts owning 5 cars, but it is...

Mercedes Club drive to Wollombi 0

Mercedes Club drive to Wollombi

Today I joined the Mercedes Club on a drive to Wollombi, which is a small town on the way to the Hunter Valley.   The town was used in the 1840’s for convicts to stay while they built a road from Sydney to the Hunter and ultimately beyond.   The Mercedes club has been organizing some rather interesting sounding drives recently so it was...

2015 Mercedes Club NSW Concours 1

2015 Mercedes Club NSW Concours

Today was the annual Mercedes Club concours and while it threatened to rain all day, the weather held off and a nice variety of cars showed up, including a gaggle of 190SLs, four 600s including a 4 door pullman and a decent number of cars from the ACT.   With all those 600s, I expected to see a dictator with a chest full of...

MBCNSW Run to Sublime Point 0

MBCNSW Run to Sublime Point

The Mercedes club had a run today out through the Royal National Park to Sublime point.   It was an official club run, so historic plated cars were welcome, and in particular was focused on the 107 series.   Given this, I took the 450SLC.    There were 7 107’s at the start and at least one more met us at the venue.   5 SLs and 2 SLCs,...

Classic Jalopy