Tagged: Retrosound

Installing the Retrosound Model 2 in a Citroen DS 4

Installing the Retrosound Model 2 in a Citroen DS

I’ve been working on getting the Retrosound Model 2 radio installed in the Citroen DS.    As this website points out, the DS does not provide a lot of options to install a decent radio.   The little ‘cubby’ in the dashboard is too small for most radios, and the original ones are expensive and not particularly good. I’ve been a fan of the...

Retrosound Model One install 1

Retrosound Model One install

The one thing about my E-Type Jaguar that stuck out like a sore thumb after I bought it in 2010 was the 80’s cassette deck that has been installed in place of the original radio. This looked like an easy thing to update.   I first looked at Ebay to see if I could get an original radio but even broken radios were going...

Classic Jalopy